类别:写作帮助 / 日期:2024-08-22 / 浏览:3 / 评论:0


Helen Keller ( June 27, 1880 -1968 year in June 1st ) in nineteenth Century, blind and deaf American author, educator, philanthropist, social activist. She to unremitting self-improvement indomitable perseverance, in Anne Sullivan under the help of the teacher, master English, law, German and other languages. Completed her a series of works, and is committed to the disabled benefit, set up charitable organizations, is the United States " time " as the United States of America ten hero ", was awarded the Presidential Medal of freedom " and other awards. Main works include " if you give me three days of light ", " my life ", " my teacher ".



Helen Keller ( June 27, 1880 -1968 year in June 1st ) in nineteenth Century, blind and deaf American author, educator, philanthropist, social activist. She to unremitting self-improvement indomitable perseverance, in Anne Sullivan under the help of the teacher, master English, law, German and other languages. Completed her a series of works, and is committed to the disabled benefit, set up charitable organizations, is the United States " time " as the United States of America ten hero ", was awarded the Presidential Medal of freedom " and other awards. Main works include " if you give me three days of light ", " my life ", " my teacher ".







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